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Artist - Homme
Coulouvray boisbenatre (Basse-Normandie), France
Siret 80500411600010 - MDA D975252

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Langue : English - French - Deutch

Pieces of life

Sédé was born in 1952 in the Ardennes (in the north east of France).
It is at the age of 12 that he discovered photography.

He was very soon attracted to abstract and produced what he considers as his first work of art in 1970.

However, facing the lack of understanding of his relatives, he is forced to continue with studies.
He chose technical studies and then starts working in 1973.
He will practise different professions in business, IT or education.
The latter brought him to Lower Normandy in 1994 where he still lives.
This period pushed his creation to the background.

In 2004 it was too much and he broke down.
He took advantage of the breaking down to renew with photography taking the plunge of digital camera.
Through his creation, he brings out his past life as a computer scientist, his experience as a photographer, his teenager's dreams and all the frustration accumulated by thirty years of wage "duty".

In 2005, he started exhibitions.
But very quickly he gave up figurative to renew with abstract which has now became something classic.
In 2007, he tried painting but quickly considered that it interfered too much in his photography.
The next year, in 2008, he took part of a modelling training course at the Beaux-Arts (a famous school of arts) in Caen.

These two art experiences will fuel his creation.
And during the summer 2008, he creates a triptych–declaration of faith : Le matin du Grand Soir and finally steps into full digital fine art photo-manipulation and printing.
He decides to divert all the materials and software at his disposal in order to go beyond the photographer's direct abstraction, which is the photographed subject that looks abstract, and to reach the painter's abstract, which is the visual work that creates an abstract object.
From now on the first shot is only a basic material which will be manipulated with photographic software.
It will result a powerful style with crazy colours and which highly evokes dreams.

In 2009, he opens his house for a residency.
A young sculptor from Burkina Faso, Ousmane Ilboudo comes and initiates him to bronze sculpture.
Thanks to this "return to the roots" period he jumps over a new barrier. He launches into a local photographic commonplace which he always refused to deal with : the Mont Saint-Michel. His reinterpretation produces about fifty abstract pictures : Le Mont Revisité that he presents in an exhibition or/and an installation in situ. But his creation does not stop here, of course, and his latest pictures reflect a warm and cheerful colour research just like a medicine against gloominess.


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