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Artist - Femme - 71 ans
Tourcoing (Nord-Pas-de-Calais), France

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Langue : English - French - Spanish - Deutch - Italian


Elisabeth ROSKA followed a training of Art Plastique during about fifteen years in the workshop of the painter Marseillais Gaston Lamorte. Teaching rich and various, of the academism to the abstraction and by employing all the pictorial techniques.

After many experiments and personal research in the watercolour, oil (abstraction with the knife) and painting landscape designer, Elisabeth ROSKA currently devotes herself to figurative painting with oil, of portraits and characters.

It is after the loss of expensive beings that Elisabeth ROSKA turned to the portrait while wanting to immortalize the memory and the emotion of the shared last moments. Faces, reflecting the atmosphere and the furtive passage of the existence in this transitory world.

Very inspired by Soutine, Francis Bacon, Modigliani, Van Dongen, Van Gogh, Elisabeth ROSKA tends towards a freer and unslung, sensitive, emotional art which engages it in a new way.

To twist and accentuate the traces of the existence so that the form is subjected to the emotion.


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