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Artist - Femme
Couilly pont aux dames (Ile-de-France), France

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Langue : English - French

Presentation of Christine GLEN

Christine Glen is a professional French artist who lives and works between Paris and the Champagne region, in a valley called "Valley of artists" where numerous famous artists sojourned and worked.
Christine Glen appreciates in particular painting in the open air. Her work oscillates permanently between abstract and figurative. It carries the definite mark of expressionism and fauvism revealing a very unique signature.

Particularly at ease with watercolor, which she considers technically the most difficult, for some time she also painted with oils. This double expertise serves her today with acrylics as she plays as much with the substance as with the fluidity of water, the transparency and the opacity, producing as a result truly surprising results.

In her recent series of paintings of Versailles and Paris, Christine Glen treats in a very contemporary manner one of the most classical subjects belonging to French heritage. The result is rich in colors, superb perspectives and, by the fluid liberty of the brush, plenty of space is left to dream.

In effect, reality is always the starting point of her creations. But for this extremely sensitive artist, it is all about a sensory reality, a light, the tone of a voice, a perfume or indeed a melody can be sufficient to trigger her necessity to create.

This artist colorist, multilinguist (English, French, Spanish, German, Russian and beginner in Chinese), passionate sinophile, globetrotter and musician, also draws inspiration from her travels in order to transpose on canvass her emotions with force and originality.

Glen is a member of the Taylor Foundation. Winner of numerous national and international competitions (1st prize in the grand final of Essone
2011, 2010, 2009 and 2006. Laureat of the international art competition Christiane Peugeot (2007)...Christine Glen has spent the last 10 years working her painting and has produced several series of unique paintings. The enthusiasm of a loyal public of connaisseurs has pushed her recently, with their encouragement, to exhibit her works abroad more often.


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