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Artist - Homme - 51 ans
Le plessis robinson (Ile-de-France), France

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Langue : English - French


My name is Patrick COUTANT, I am 44 years old, I am married, I have 2 children.

I do not see everyday objects the same way you do.

The most banal pebble, the most insignificant shoe lace, the shell of nuts or snails that have just been tasted, the claws of a crab, I see them by a luminous and transcendent prism, I give them back Life in a completely new environment.
I grasp the dynamics, I appreciate the soul, and as the tune of a song can remind you of another, I see in what new life these objects will fit, harmoniously, naturally.
I've had this in me since I was a child, I tried to get rid of it, but it came back, very strong, most likely opportunistically in a particular period of my life.

Thus, anodyne objects that had to end their lives in an anonymous way in an anonymous trash live an artistic reprieve.


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