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Artist - Homme - 62 ans
La chapelle sur dun (Haute-Normandie), France

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Participation in Sculpt'en Sologne and Artirmoine 2017
Article du 29-04-2017 lié à 01-07-2017 - 17-09-2017 : Participation à la 5 ième Biennale de Sologne et au parcours Artrimoine en Sologne
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Landscapes of monumental sculptures.

The aim of the Biennale is to bring Contemporary Art and Historical Heritage into harmony in the villages around Chaumont-sur-Tharonne with the creation of a permanent route in the communes of the heart of Sologne.
The exceptional size of the works enhances the historical heritage of Sologne, offering an immersive environmental art trail through a natural scenography. An invitation to travel combining artistic shock, contemplation and cultural mediation in the heart of the Sologne territories. Thus staged in our landscapes, the sculptures touch us, move us, by their strength, their density, but also by their duality with nature.
Installation of 2 works by Robert Arnoux inside and around the chapel of Saint-Viâtre
" La Famille" and "Mère à l'enfant debout"

Useful links :
Arts Art in Heritage

La Famille

La Famille / The Family

Mère à l'enfant debout

Mère à l'enfant debout / Mother with the child standing

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