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Artiste - Femme - 27 ans
Pontoise (Ile-de-France), France
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Bastet a ajouté son avis sur MIKHAILOV Vadim
Le 07-02-2018
F.granier a ajouté son avis sur Bastet
Le 06-02-2018
Bastet a ajouté son avis sur LAJARRIGE Bénédicte
Le 23-12-2017
Bastet a ajouté une photo de son oeuvre d'art Interdependant Energies
Le 23-12-2017

Energies are interdependent, as well as we do. From the Tiny Collection, Interdependent Energies Acrylic work, size: 7, 5x5cm
Bastet a ajouté une oeuvre d'art.
Le 23-12-2017
Swimming in the current vibe of the UNI-verse, Creatures care about each other, Surrounding one to another, With the burden of disorder. - O...
Interdependantly connected through energies, thoughts, words... frequencies. From the Tiny Collection, Interdependant Energies Acrylic work
Primary energy's return, - from the Tiny Collection, Catch the Energy. Acrylic work.
As a standing sea, the water soul is listenning. - from the Tiny Collection, Reversed Ocean .acrylic work.
First painting from the Tiny Collection; Moonlight Visit . Acrylic work.
Bastet a ajouté une photo de son oeuvre d'art Moonlight Visit
Le 23-12-2017

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