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Exposant - Femme - 65 ans
Nantes (Pays-de-la-Loire), France
Langue : Français - Anglais

Presentation of ArAnima, the association for animal art and biodiversity

Brainchild of Sybille Aubree, ArAnimA is a first in France : an association dedicated to supporting the environmental cause through art.
The association's aim is to bring together all wildlife and landscape artists who are concerned with preservation of the planet and its biodiversity and willing to contribute a percentage of profits from the sale of their works to reputable environmental causes.
The association operates on a voluntary basis in a friendly family atmosphere. Members are keen to further the project in any way their can and contribute by translating, looking for partners and sponsors, creating trophies or coming up with new ideas.

ArAnimA's promotion of both established artists and new talents
ArAnimA aims to bring excellence in animal and landscape art to a wide audience. Its goal is to link up with other like-minded associations, organisations and artists and create partnerships and interactive events world wide. (saa, afc...)
Sybille Aubree believes in the importance of giving new talents an opportunity to exhibit alongside established artists, so, upon selection, ArAnimA will waive the fee for any first-time exhibitor.

Artists for the environment
Sybille Aubrée's project is founded on the principle that a peercentage of all artwork sold will be donated to a cause or charity dedicated to the defense of the environment - to will be selected each year. (in 2011 To the Born Free Foundation & Goviin Khulan).

Everyone benefits :

  • The public through raised awareness of environmental issues,
  • The artists who have a platform from which to show their work,
  • The art lovers who acquire a work of art and contribute to the environmental cause.

ArAnimA's Inaugural 2011 Exhibition
ArAnimA has organized an exceptional two day event for its inaugural exhibition. About 800 people came to attend the extended private view in PARIS, rue saint Roch, Rivoli corner, in the presence of ArAnimA's founding members, members of honour, artists and other well-known personalities.

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