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Liste des expositions > FIAC 2011 > Chemould Prescott Road

Chemould Prescott Road expose à FIAC 2011

Organisé par Reed Expositions France
Foire Internationale Art contemporain

Grand Palais (+ d'infos)
Lieu de l'exposition
Oeuvres d'art exposées > Oeuvre d'art : Where the bees suck, there suck I
Where the bees suck, there suck I
Ajouté le 04-10-2011

Hema Upadhyay, Where the Bees Suck, there Suck I, 2009
The project involves a large scale installation using an fiberglass industrial dumper and hundreds of miniature hutments made of car scrap, aluminum and plastic sheet, resin and enamel paint
Artist and Studio La citta, Verona, Italy
Gallery: Chemould Prescott Road

Présentation de l'oeuvre d'art

Hema Upadhyay, Where the Bees Suck, there Suck I, 2009
The project involves a large scale installation using an fiberglass industrial dumper and hundreds of miniature hutments made of car scrap, aluminum and plastic sheet, resin and enamel paint
Artist and Studio La citta, Verona, Italy
Gallery: Chemould Prescott Road

Nom de l'oeuvre d'art Where the bees suck, there suck I
Artiste UPADHYAY Hema
Technique Installation
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